Data Security in Law Firm CRMs: What You Need to Know

by | Sep 12, 2024 | CRM Software, Legal CRM | 0 comments

Client Relationship Management CRM systems are a vital part of many legal practices in today’s competitive market. However, as a result of the data-driven landscape that presently exists in the legal field, it has become vital to protect important personal data in the process. In other words, though a CRM is key to an effective customer relationship between you and your client base, using this tool as it is designed is only possible when data is guarded. At Law Ruler we understand that no CRM, no matter how helpful, is worth using if the data aspect and its protection haven’t been adequately addressed. Read on to learn more about data security in law firm CRMs and what you need to know about protecting your firm, along with your clientele: 

What to Look for in a Law Firm CRM: Seven Key Features

A legal CRM can transform the way your practice operates. The right CRM will have these key features to help you grow your law firm in less time.

Why is Data Protection so Important?

When a client trusts your practice with their personal information through your client intake system or other aspects of your onboarding process, it’s immensely important that they know their data is protected. Today, more than ever before, data is being targeted and stolen by those with nefarious intentions. Statista data revealed that there were more than 353 million individuals affected in some way by a data compromise, such as data exposure, leakage, and breaches throughout the year 2023 alone. The recorded number of data breaches compromised throughout the nation stood at 3,205 cases in that same year. These cases represent situations where sensitive data was accessed by those who were unauthorized to do so due to some form of data compromise. 

Therefore, with today’s technology ever evolving and hackers becoming more and more skilled at getting information which they have no business accessing, it’s your job as a legal practice to ensure that your client’s data does not become compromised through any sort of breach. Thankfully, CRM systems are often created with heightened protection for just such a purpose. While the industry most vulnerable to data breaches is the healthcare industry, any field can have this problem and so it’s important to recognize the risk and safeguard against it to protect those who look to you for protection and guidance. 

Important Data Worthy of Protecting

As an attorney, you know that you access and are given many types of data that a cybercriminal would love to get their hands on. Being, in essence, a one-stop data breach target. For example, you likely have access to the following as part of doing business or representing your client’s interests, which, when in the wrong hands, could be really damaging: 

  • Personal information on clients such as identity, HR benefits, clients’ employers, employees, and more. 
  • Payment or financial-related data. 
  • Intellectual property that could be protected by trademarks or patents. 
  • Key details about business strategies including acquisitions, potential mergers, or corporate transactions. 
  • Other types of sensitive information that is protected under attorney-client privilege. 
  • Much more, depending on your field of practice. 

What You Need to Know to Protect Sensitive Data and How CRMs Can Help

Now that we have considered the scope of the problem should data become compromised, it’s important to know how to protect this sensitive data. The following are some focus points that you should consider increasing data security for your legal brand, many of which are addressed by well-constructed CRMs: 

Ensure High Levels of Data Integrity

One way that you can increase your level of data security is by ensuring data integrity within your CRM system. This means that all data is entered and stored consistently within your system. Ideally, you would perform regular audits of your data to ensure there are no errors, outdated information, or duplicate data. When you focus on data integrity, you greatly reduce the risk of misinformation or miscommunication based on faulty data accuracy. 

Enhance System Integration

Another way that you can safeguard data includes using a CRM to enhance system integration. This means that your CRM will work seamlessly between your CRM and other critical systems that you have been using. This includes transferring sensitive information on billing software and using data mapping across various platforms to reduce the risk of integration problems. It also safeguards sensitive information without the system itself as you incorporate a CRM, helping optimize daily tasks. 

Encrypt Data

Another important protection for data security is encryption. This is a fundamental component of any data security system within a CRM. All systems that hold, share, or store data should have a strong encryption protocol, protecting it from data breaches or hackers. A good CRM will have layers of encryption designed to protect vulnerable data from being accessed by just anyone. 

Perform Regular Patches and System Updates

In many cases, data is made vulnerable by software issues. Thankfully, by regularly performing updates and system patches, you can ensure that your client’s data is safeguarded as much as possible. This will address any new system vulnerabilities that have been discovered and stay one step ahead of those who are trying to access vulnerable data. This is only possible by performing regular security audits to identify potential vulnerabilities within the system. After all, if you don’t regularly look for potential issues, you are more likely to be surprised when a criminal finds a weak spot to exploit. 

Limit Access to Sensitive Information by Team Members

Another way that CRM software can protect your clients’ data from breaches includes limiting access to sensitive information. At Law Ruler, we understand that data access should be limited to individuals who have been screened and who are considered trustworthy to share and edit this data. A CRM system that is designed to protect data will have built-in checks and balances, giving specific employees or attorneys access to information while protecting it from view from others. While this might seem like a hassle, setting up these safeguards can go a long way in protecting your client’s data from being exposed. This also protects your team from having anyone who is unauthorized accessing or changing important data within your client data system. 

Meeting Industry Compliance Regulations

Legal data, as you know, is subject to many compliance requirements and specific regulations. Thankfully, at Law Ruler, we understand these unique legal requirements and have created a CRM system that meets all data protection regulations as well as data privacy laws. This helps not only protect your client’s personal information, but it also ensures that your legal team is protected from any legal repercussions that might come up in the event of a data breach. You as a legal team deserve legal protection as well and a CRM that meets industry compliance regulations is immensely helpful in meeting this need. 

9 Reasons Your Personal Injury Firm Needs Legal CRM

Tap into software features designed to optimize law firm operations. With the right legal CRM your practice will save significant time and simplify your communications with clients.

Law Ruler: A CRM That Cares About Data Security 

At Law Ruler, we proudly provide a CRM system for your legal team that will ensure that all your client data is protected and that you as a legal team are protected as well. Contact us today and schedule a demo to learn more about our innovative CRM system designed specifically for the legal field. We want to help you protect your client’s data so that you can instead focus more on helping your clients and winning your day in court, without fear of a data breach or the repercussions of such a situation. 

Transform Your Law Firm

Maximize your client intake process and acquire more leads with Law Ruler’s all-in-one legal intake and marketing automation software. Schedule a personalized, one-on-one demonstration of Law Ruler today!


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