How Intelligent Intake Forms Enhance Client Onboarding

by | Aug 22, 2024 | Client Intake, CRM Software, Intake Software | 0 comments

The client intake process is the act of moving a new client through various levels of your legal firm’s onboarding process and often involves a series of steps. In years past, this process was handled entirely by team members who did most of it by hand. Consequently, it was considered an arduous exercise that was often unnecessarily lengthy and demanded way too many administrative hours. Thankfully, with legal CRM software like that offered at Law Ruler, you will have intelligent client intake forms that are designed to walk clients through the onboarding process easily and save you a great deal of time and billable hours in the process. The following will tell you everything you need to know about these forms and how they are revolutionizing the client intake process for legal firms nationwide: 

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Logic-Based and User-Friendly  

Intelligent intake forms built into your CRM software allow you to move clients through the onboarding process logically. This means that data entry is automated, your client intake forms are all categorized in a logical flow, and you can easily acquire eSignatures for applicable documents. In the same way that many companies are incorporating a logic-based or user-friendly system to introduce new clients to their products or services, you, too, can utilize the same type of user-friendly interface to guide your clients through the onboarding processes that are the most applicable for your firm.  

When it comes to onboarding in the legal arena, you obviously know how important it is to cover all bases. The following are just a few examples of the types of tasks that intelligent intake forms could handle easily, as it guides clients through the process of establishing a relationship with your firm: 

  • Client Information: This would include personal details about the client, their contact information, and case-specific information.  
  • Look at Conflicts: Verifying conflicts of interest is also important to ensure that there is no reason you can’t represent this client, before you move further in the process.  
  • Set up of Consultation: Another important step of the onboarding process is to set up a meeting with a client to discuss their legal needs and the case. 
  • Fee Agreements: This element will go over the fees related to the case, whatever they might be and however they might be set up, along with setting up clear payment expectations for the client moving forward.  
  • Get Documents Signed: As mentioned above, intelligent intake forms will guide clients to E-sign documents like contracts, court filings, and more, which will save a great deal of time and keep you from having to track down clients for a signature before moving forward.  
  • Establish Communication: Another important aspect of client onboarding is ensuring that the communication information you have is correct, and you know how clients prefer to be contacted, such as texts, emails, etc. This could also include establishing email follow-ups, appointment or court case reminders, and more. Email automation tools can be used for a variety of purposes throughout the case and beyond.  
  • Allocate an Attorney: This can also begin the process of allocating an attorney or assigning an attorney to the case, giving clients a point of contact.  
  • Background Research: Legal CRM as part of client onboarding can also initiate background research to get a clearer picture of the client’s situation and identify any potential legal issues. This could also mean that the software determines if their case is applicable, or if they will be approved as a client.  
  • Defined Expectations: Client onboarding is also very much about setting a standard of expectations. Communicating what is and what isn’t the client’s responsibility, as well as going over potential outcomes and expected timelines. All of this can be part of intelligent intake forms. 
  • Introduce Staff: Onboarding is also an opportunity to introduce your team to clients. This means anyone who might be communicating with them, such as paralegals or others, can be identified and formally introduced during this time.  
  • Set up Billable Hours: Onboarding with intelligent forms also allows you to track billable hours and expenses, ensuring that invoicing and billing is all set up and clearly communicated to the client.  

Customizable to Your Firm

Intelligent intake forms like those incorporated into legal CRM software can allow you to customize your questions specifically for your firm. This means you can build unique branding and customization into your forms, getting the questions asked that matter the most to your firm. Mobile-friendly intake forms that are customizable allow you to truly personalize your client onboarding flow for your firm. Law Ruler CRM software also offers a variety of integrations that make using these tools easier and less complicated. In other words, with this software, you can incorporate client data and contact information you already have, meaning any software programs you are already using can still be used, just incorporated into this innovative system. This is a great deal more time-efficient and allows you to focus more on high-value tasks instead of administrative information gathering. Speaking of saving time… 

How to Speed Up Your Law Firm’s Client Intake

Stop wasting billable hours onboarding clients. Learn how to speed up your law firm’s client intake with our guide.

Time-Saving, Reducing Frustration

Last but certainly not least, intelligent intake forms will save you time. While there are many benefits of intelligent intake forms overall within the CRM software offered by Law Ruler, perhaps one of the best is its time-saving aspect. At Law Ruler, there is even a time-saving calculator you can access that will show you how much time you could save by using the intuitive intake forms in place of your standard onboarding processes. Using these, you could save clients money by reducing your hourly rate. This is an immensely helpful feature of CRM software that will end up saving your entire legal team valuable time, allowing you to focus on other legal tasks. Manual data entry and having to request specific documentation and signatures is immensely time-consuming and can slow down a case. Thankfully, this type of software, which is optimized for all platforms and devices, can be the key to increasing your firm’s efficiency and vastly improving your client engagement and retention numbers at the same time as a result. Of course, this will all help to reduce the frustration associated with repetitive tasks that are time-consuming and mind-numbing.   

Contact Us at Law Ruler for More Information

Intelligent intake forms are just part of the CRM software we offer at Law Ruler. Using these innovative forms allows you to find out in mere seconds if a lead is qualified to become a client, helps you obtain the right documents and necessary signatures, and instantly free up valuable billable hours to use in other ways to further a case. Contact us at Law Ruler to schedule a demo so you can see for yourself how much of a positive difference our CRM software could make in your everyday operations. You won’t believe the difference it can make in your practice. If you are worried about the implementation of this software, there is no need, because Law Ruler’s experienced team will gladly guide you and your team through the implementation process. We will help you integrate your website, incorporate previous software data and even show you how to customize your automation tools to best address your firm’s unique workflow and preferences. Pricing options with flexible annual or monthly fees means you can get started with this innovative software and begin saving your hard-working team frustration and reduce billable hours. 

Transform Your Law Firm

Maximize your client intake process and acquire more leads with Law Ruler’s all-in-one legal intake and marketing automation software. Schedule a personalized, one-on-one demonstration of Law Ruler today!


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