How to Foolproof Your Follow Up

by | Jul 20, 2023 | Client Intake, CRM Software, email marketing, Marketing Automation | 0 comments

The law firm marketplace can be a crowded space with numerous firms competing for potential clients. To stand apart, your practice needs a smart law firm marketing plan that incorporates Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies and content that prospects will find valuable. But catching the attention of a potential client is not enough to seal the deal. Leads need to be consistently nurtured, from their initial communication with your firm through the sales funnel to conversion. Doing that requires one very important task: Follow up.  

In a typical law firm day, returning calls and messages can get pushed to the end of the list. But this is a missed growth opportunity. Effective follow up must be a central part of any legal marketing plan. It is the time and manner in which your firm responds to a communication. From a prospect completing your website information form to a former client calling to inquire about a new matter, your firm must ensure that the follow up is timely and effective. 

This post will give you some easily implemented steps to foolproof your law firm follow up. 

Client Relationship Management 

Client Relationship Management (CRM) software for law firms is a must have when working to foolproof your follow up. It helps your firm strategically manage relationships with potential and existing clients in an organized manner. With law firm CRM software in place, you can streamline your legal marketing tasks, provide consistent communications, and level up your intake process for increased conversions and greater firm growth.  

Legal CRM reporting capabilities help you analyze the effectiveness of your legal marketing strategies with various reporting options for monitoring marketing performance indicators and making informed marketing decisions. Quality law firm CRM software also offers numerous integration offerings so you can streamline your firm’s workflow. This valuable technology can do a lot for your practice, but let’s talk about three specific ways that it can enhance your law firm follow up.  

  • Legal CRM software organizes lead data into one central location for easy management and access by firm members. With this efficient tool, firm members can reduce the amount of time spent locating contact details or other important lead data. 
  • Law firm CRM software can alert firm members to complete marketing tasks that are often forgotten, like follow-up emails and calls. Your firm can use these alerts to promote the timely handling of these communications.  
  • Legal CRM tracking systems can provide your firm with information about each lead’s engagement history and status within the sales funnel. This data helps you better track leads and ensure that they have received a proper number of follow ups within an appropriate amount of time.  

What to Look for in a Law Firm CRM: Seven Key Features

A legal CRM can transform the way your practice operates. The right CRM will have these key features to help you grow your law firm in less time.

Automated Marketing and AI 

Legal workflow automation and AI technologies are also extremely useful to foolproof your follow ups. Marketing automation is the process of automatically completing tasks that would otherwise be handled manually. By automating parts of their law firm workflow, firms can save time, money, and resources. Automation frees up your employees’ time for more profitable tasks.  

Many law firm automation technologies utilize artificial intelligence (AI), where machines observe and learn the ways that humans perform various tasks so they can perform the tasks on their own. From legal research to case preparation, AI helps law firms streamline their workflow, and that includes follow ups.  

Together, AI and legal workflow automation can make follow-ups virtually effortless in the following ways:


  • AI powered chatbots can automatically communicate with potential clients who visit your website, providing an immediate follow up.  
  • The CRM system can be programmed to alert firm members when a prospect or lead has not received any firm communications in a designated amount of time.  
  • Law firm email marketing campaigns can be programmed to automatically send targeted emails at predetermined times.  
  • Law Ruler CRM software for law firms offers automated texting capabilities. Your firm can send text messages to leads, which are more likely to be viewed immediately.   

Law Ruler’s Marketing Automation Basics

Your law firm is 100x more likely to connect with a lead if they are contacted within five minutes of the first point of contact. See how marketing automation keeps you top of mind.

Why Follow Up Matters 

Put yourself in the shoes of a potential client with an urgent legal matter. You have searched the web for local law firms that handle your type of case. Based on your findings, you have identified three potential firms to work with. You view each of their websites and complete their information forms.  

One firm gives no response at all. The second firm responds with an automated message that says, “Thank you. Someone will get back to you shortly.” The third firm immediately starts an online chat with you, where you can communicate more information about your case and even schedule a consultation.  

Which law firm is more likely to get your business? That is the power of automation and AI when it comes to follow ups.  

Grow Your Firm with Foolproof Follow-Up  

Follow up is an extremely important part of the legal marketing process. It can mean the difference between converting more leads or losing them to your competition. With features like automated communications, a smart dialer, and texting capabilities, Law Ruler offers a legal CRM that helps firms foolproof their follow ups. To learn more, click here to schedule a demo for your firm.  

Transform Your Law Firm

Maximize your client intake process and acquire more leads with Law Ruler’s all-in-one legal intake and marketing automation software. Schedule a personalized, one-on-one demonstration of Law Ruler today!

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