Why Being Responsive via Text Message is Important to Your Firm

by | Oct 29, 2019 | Legal Software | 0 comments

Man smiling and holding cellphone and reading text message.

The problem – Not receiving an immediate response or text message automatically

Picture this situation in your head: You have been injured in a car accident and you’re frantically trying to get a law firm on the phone. You went to Google and started to dial each number that came up when you searched for “personal injury lawyer”. Perhaps you left a message, or not … Well time to call the next law firm. Now, imagine that your about to dial the next listing when your phone goes ‘ding’ and you look down and see a text message. It’s from the firm you just called, saying that a representative will be calling shortly. You would feel relieved knowing that you will be contacted shortly and that you no longer need to keep calling down the list of law firms in the area.

Many times, when we first reach out to a service, company, or person, we get no recognition of the attempted contact. This prompts people to keep searching. This may be especially true if you are not sending text messages to your potential clients, who are often in the situation I described above. What can your firm do to help someone in a similar situation? Having a legal CRM system can help to keep up with the demand and automate text messages for certain scenarios. Read on to see what makes texting especially vital to a firms’ success.

Is texting that important?

The short answer: Absolutely! Text messaging has become one of the most popular methods of communication. So long are the days of dropping a voicemail or returning a phone call. According to Gallup News: “Texting is the dominant way of communicating for Americans…”, which means that if you’re not communicating by text, well then, you may not be communicating at all!

Still not seeing the importance of texting? How about this fact. The same Gallup poll shows us what is really happening. “Text messages now outrank phone calls as the dominant form of communication among Millennials. Fully 68% of 18- to 29-year-olds say that they texted “a lot” the previous day, which plunges to 47% among 30- to 49-year-olds and 26% among 50- to 64-year-olds. Older Nielsen data indicate that average monthly voice minutes used by 18- to 34-year-olds plummeted from about 1,200 in 2008 to 900 in 2010. Texting among 18- to 24-year-olds more than doubled over this period, soaring from 600 to over 1,400 texts a month.”

The Solution – How to Text Message Clients Effectively

So, what is the solution to an everchanging client communication environment? Well, how about a way to ensure you are communicating with all current and potential clients effectively. Many systems or services offer the ability to send out mass amounts of text messages. Well, there is an issue there too without the proper execution and delivery. It is that the receivers perceive these ‘random texts’ as junk, and that’s not an effective way of communicating via text.

What’s needed is a way to send personalized texts to every individual client who reaches out to your business. Using Law Ruler as a client relationship manager, A.K.A a CRM, can help. With Law Ruler, you can access a system that will automatically try to communicate with all potential clients individually via text message based on your custom settings and approved firm workflow.

Fortunately for us, technology has evolved and adapted to the changing times. The specialized Law Ruler system can effectively and automatically interact with your clients on a first-name basis.  Using state of the art technology and having access to a highly skilled team is vital. The Law Ruler experience is sure to help you effectively communicate with your existing and potential clients.

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