Role of Personalized Communication in Legal Marketing Automation

by | Sep 19, 2024 | email marketing, Intake Software, Legal CRM, Marketing Automation | 0 comments

Marketing automation can serve many practical purposes for you as a law firm. From guiding your clients through the client intake forms, to prompting them to sign legal documents that you need to proceed and more. However, no matter how good an automated system is that you implement, the role of personalized communication within that system cannot be overstated. Read on to learn more about personalization in communication, and especially how it can affect your customer relationship-building process. 

What is Marketing Automation? 

Before looking at the importance of personalization within marketing automation, it’s important to at least consider what marketing automation could look like for your firm. Marketing automation could include drip campaigns, sending out messages to clients to keep your firm top of mind, as well as text messaging, voice calling campaigns, and appointment reminders. As mentioned above, automation could also lead clients through a sales funnel, getting them to perform certain tasks in order to move to the next stage of the attorney-client relationship-building process. 

How to Use Marketing Automation to Drive Business

Accelerate your law firm’s growth and get time back for your billable hours with marketing automation. Learn more.

The Role of Personalized Communication in Legal Marketing Automation

Now that we have considered the definition of legal marketing automation overall, let’s consider the role that personalized communication plays within that process. Personalized communication is exactly what it sounds like, communication that is aimed at one specific client, that addresses them as an individual, and that highlights actions they need to take. In other words, it’s not a robot voice mass calling a list of clients saying exactly the same thing over and over with no variance. It is instead a way to individualize or personalize communication between your firm and your clients, giving them a greater feeling of importance and highlighting their uniqueness as individuals. Read on to learn more about the importance and value of personalization: 

Identifies Them as an Individual

When we are born, we are given a name. We aren’t sir or madam, though there is nothing inherently wrong with those titles. However, personalized communication as it relates to marketing automation will consist of identifying clients as individuals, perhaps by using their names. Personalization has been proven to increase ROI throughout the marketing industry. In fact, a personalized study completed by the Institute of Direct and Digital Marketing (IDM) found that 63% of all respondents stated that personalization is either extremely or somewhat effective when delivering KPIs within emails. Another 56% of marketers agree that personalization can increase sales. Of course, you as an attorney aren’t looking to make “sales” necessarily, but the same principle applies. When you personalize your message to clients through personalized automated marketing, you are increasing the chances that they will continue to seek your legal guidance. 

Provides Needed Reminders for Important Dates

Another way that personalization plays a pivotal role in marketing automation is through needed reminders. This can serve as emails or texts that remind clients when they need to appear in court when they have a hearing, or when their next client/attorney meeting is scheduled, what they need to gather document-wise and more. This necessary reminder is often extremely helpful in preventing a client from missing a crucial court date or other necessary appearance. Thankfully, at Law Ruler, we offer this feature as part of our marketing automation process, ensuring that you can communicate easily with clients in a personalized manner pertaining to their individual cases. 

Guides Them Through Intake Steps

In years past, getting clients through the intake process was an arduous task that involved a great deal of administrative hours dedicated to paperwork, filing, and redundant actions. Today, thanks to the CRM system and automated marketing systems, you don’t have to spend billable hours guiding clients through this process any longer. After they contact you, there will be a message sent to them that prompts the next step that will guide them forward. It will also, as mentioned earlier, prompt them to sign or acknowledge any particular document that needs addressing in order for you to move further in the legal process. This also protects your firm by ensuring that all regulations and legal requirements are met. 

Ensures They Don’t Fall Through the Cracks

When you are a busy legal team with hundreds of clients, it can be easy to let someone fall through the cracks. Thankfully, though, with personalized communication and an automated marketing process, this simply won’t happen. Automated emails, prompts to content, reminders, calls, and more will ensure that no client ever feels neglected or like they have somehow fallen through the cracks and have been forgotten. Email marketing software, along with SMS texting, means that you can communicate with a large volume of clients easily. You can automate these communications so they appear as if you personally wrote a text or email but instead, it was sent through the system prompted by a client’s action. This ensures that no one is forgotten and that your firm remains top of mind. 

It Isn’t Overly Aggressive

In addition to all the other benefits, automated marketing communication is not aggressive. In other words, it does not consist of you or your team calling or emailing a client endlessly, almost to the point of aggravation. Instead, this process uses the actions of clients as prompts to provide helpful, not aggravating, correspondence between your team and clients. In other words, you don’t have to worry about this automated system spamming clients and making them want to hide from you. No. They will want to hear from you because all their interactions will be purposeful, and necessary, and ultimately get them closer to a legal resolution. It is just the right amount of contact and/or communication as determined by data and feedback to keep your client engaged without getting on their nerves. 

Gain Clients through Legal Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is one of the most effective ways for law firms to turn leads into new clients—without sacrificing billable hours. Download our guide to learn how.

Additional Ways to Personalize Communication in Legal Marketing Automation

There are several ways to personalize communication within your legal marketing system. Our CRM system at Law Ruler includes automated drip campaigns, important text updates, voice messages, and more, which you and your team members can send from your desktop. In addition, you can personalize content as a way to appeal to your clients as individuals. This means sending them messages about specific articles or guides to help them through the legal process, aimed at their specific case. This automated service is particularly valuable if you have a small firm with a limited team to stay on top of all these tasks. Automation frees up your time, allowing you to focus on billable tasks and gets clients further along towards a legal resolution, which is ultimately the primary end goal. 

Let Us Help with This at Law Ruler

As either a small or mid-sized law firm, you likely don’t have the benefit of a dedicated marketing or sales team who can oversee the various types of communication and personalization needed for today’s modern clients. Thankfully, at Law Ruler, we proudly offer a marketing automation system that includes personalized communication between your team and your clients. This system will ensure they feel valued and that their case remains a priority for you and your team. Contact us today to schedule a demo and see the real difference that our CRM system and personalized communication in automated marketing can have in your day-to-day practice. You will be surprised how much time can be freed up for your team when these arduous tasks are handled for you. 


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Maximize your client intake process and acquire more leads with Law Ruler’s all-in-one legal intake and marketing automation software. Schedule a personalized, one-on-one demonstration of Law Ruler today!


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